Double win: ISO Recruiting Consultants are Growth Champions of 2024 and among the Financial Times 1000

The Frankfurt-based recruiting specialists have received two awards: FOCUS-Business has named ISO Recruiting Consultants as Growth Champion of 2024 and the Financial Times has selected them as one of the 1,000 fastest growing companies in Europe.

In cooperation with Statista, the renowned online platform for statistics, the magazine FOCUS-Business annually researches Germany's growth champions. Particularly strong growth in turnover counts for the prestigious company ranking. ISO Recruiting Consultants GmbH achieved an average growth of 42% p.a. between 2019 and 2022, which puts the company in 8th place in the "Human Resources" category. This award means that ISO Recruiting Consultants GmbH is among the top companies for the fifth time in the eleven years of its existence – an extraordinary achievement. 

The Financial Times (FT) has also identified the fastest growing companies in Europe. The FT publicly invited companies to participate, but also contacted thousands of companies directly and conducted additional research. ISO Recruiting Consultants GmbH was identified as one of the "FT1000 Europe's Fastest Growing Companies 2024" with an absolute growth rate of 184% (2019-2022). 

The key to this success was the extremely profitable development of the two business segments Headhunting (recruitment of permanent IT specialists and managers) and Contracting (project-based secondment of IT consultants). During the period under review, the contracting business stood out even more: in this highly competitive business segment, ISO Recruiting Consultants were able to beat well-known competitors on several occasions thanks to their excellent candidate selection. 

Dennis Stevens, authorized signatory of ISO Recruiting Consultants: "Growth in uncertain economic times is not a given. The fact that we continue to grow shows the stability of our client base and the confidence they have in us. Our goal is to find the perfect IT specialist for our clients every day.